Growing onions is a great way to produce a commonly eaten root vegetable, much like onions, for your growing family. Onions can be very easy to grow, and frequently accompany potatoes in many dishes. Whether you’re cooking a pot roast, hash browns, or a stew, you likely have these two incredibly versatile, delicious tubers mingling together.

If you are new to growing food, I’m sure curiosity got the best of you when old sprouted onions popped up in your pantry. You probably had one of three thoughts cross your mind:

  • Should I throw the growing onions away?
  • Can you eat onion stalks with the rest of the onion?
  • Can I regrow the onion in a pot of water or soil?

If you thought about growing the onion… WELCOME! This is the type of curiosity that gives rise to a great gardener, igniting the passion to grow some of the family’s most commonly eaten produce.  I greatly encourage you to grow the onion to satisfy that curiosity, even though the onion will regrow from the bulb a bit differently from what you would expect. However, that onion will still give you a valuable gift, which is rather precious and sentimental, still.